Mackies: Masterplan Update

Matthew Lloyd Architects

Language: English

Publisher: PPR

Published: Jan 26, 2024


The Take Back The City project creates up to 725 brand new homes (across all land ownerships) and 12,000m2 of new employment space. The project has arisen out of a long standing campaign by the human rights network Participation and the Practice of Rights (PPR), working with local people, to encourage the building of much needed affordable homes in Belfast.

In 2022 PPR ran an international design competition to seek proposals for the redevelopment of the redundant Mackies industrial site in West Belfast, which was subsequently won by the London-based firm of Matthew Lloyd Architects (MLA).

The principle aims of the competition were to imagine a masterplan containing new homes on the Mackies site, which is owned and managed by Invest Northern Ireland (INI), and also if possible on the adjoining land owned by both the Department of Communities (DC)  and the developer Braidwater.

PPR have now employed MLA to develop its winning competition design, into a formal masterplan proposal for the sites and the results of this work are shown in the following report.